安徽教师招考网相关[教师招考] 信息“2016安徽教师招聘考试英语专业核心考点-阅读技能的教学”由发布 ,更多2016安徽教师招聘考试英语专业核心考点-阅读技能的教学信息,请多关注微信好友:18110934621。
读前活动 | 读中活动 | 读后活动 |
明确目的; | 指图认读; | 进一步理解与巩固所学语言; |
熟悉话题; | 根据所读内容选图、连线; | 讲述故事的主要内容; |
激发兴趣和欲望; | 回答语篇主要内容的简单问题。 | 根据所读内容进行角色扮演。 |
布任务。 |
读前活动的任务之一是要激活学生已有的生活阅历,以A Trip 0n “The True North”为例。这是篇游记,记述了Li Daiyu和Liu Qian去加拿大看他们的亲友的途中见闻。教师可以提问。
Task: Answer the following questions:
Do you like to go sightseeing?
What’s the best city in your native country for sightseeing?
What are the interesting sights in your hometown or your city?
When did you last take a plane trip?
Where did you go?
Did you enjoy the trip? Why or why not?
以Canada——“The True North”为例,加拿大是个移民国家,自然景观优美,文化内涵丰富。教师可以通过图片等手段,让学生相互提问,交流一下他们所了解的加拿大。
Task: Ask and answer about these pictures.
What do you know about these places?
Niagara Falls, the Great Lakes, Gulf of St. Lawrence, CN Tower.
What can you do there?
以A Protector of African Wildlife教学为例,教师可以设计活动让学生自由联想与chimpanzee有关的词语。
Task: Write as many words, related to “chimpanzee”, as you can think of.
预览的主要目的是帮助学生了解文章的主题思想和主要内容。以A Protector of African Wildlife为例,可以设计预览活动如下:
Specific aim: To train the students to use titles and pictures to get the idea of a passage Skills involved: Reference skill, Anticipation, Skimming
Why? This exercise can be used to show the students how much they can guess about a passage by simply looking at its title and pictures. This will be useful to most students later in the course of their studies.
You are going to read a passage, which is entitled A Protector of African Wildlife. What do you think the passage is about?
Look at the pictures below the title. Do you know the name of the animals in the pictures? Where is the beautiful lake? What else do you have in mind when you see the pictures?
How do you connect the pictures with the title?
Task: Read the 1st paragraph and try to find the topic sentence. Explain why you think it is.
I have the greatest job in the world. I travel to unusual places and meet interesting people from all over the world. Sometimes working outdoors, sometimes in an office, sometimes using scientific instruments in my work and sometimes meeting with local people and tourists, I am never bored. Although my job is occasionally dangerous, I don’t mind, because danger excites me and makes me feel alive. However, the most important thing about my job is that I can help to protect people from one of the most powerful natural forces on earth—the volcano.
Topic sentence:
I have the greatest job in the world.
Supporting details:
travel to unusual places
meet interesting people
occasionally dangerous
danger excites me and makes me feel alive
help to protect people
Task:Read the passage quickly. Underline the keys that contribute to the main idea. What’s the main idea of the passage?
When I was first studying English at college, teachers very often used to visit us. I was in the first level of English, so I didn’t know much about the language and generally just translated each word.
One day, my grammar teacher came over to my room. As usual, I tried to be polite, but that day I made a bad mistake. He knocked on the door. I opened it and said: “Between, between. Drink a chair.’’ My teacher was flabbergasted because of that expression, so he asked me: “What?” At that moment I didn't know what to do, but soon I realized what I had done. I explained to him that in Spanish we say. “Entre,entre. tome una silla”. “Entre” can be translated in two ways: between or come in; “tome” means take, eat or drink. I was embarrassed but I did learn my first lesson about translating from Spanish to English.
Key words:
in the first level of English
translated each word
made a mistake
realized what I had done
learn my first lesson about translating
Main idea:
How I learned my first translation lesson.
第一,找出文中细节。运用who, where, when, what, why等疑问词提问是帮助学生捕捉有效信息的好方法。通过提问:
“What happened”可帮助学生找到所发生的主要事件;
以A few simple forms of English poems为例,教师可以用What提问,帮助学生了解诗歌的主要类型:
Task:The reading passage discusses the kinds of poems.
How many kinds of poems are discussed?
What are they?
设计图表有助于学生梳理文中出现的主要信息,例如,阅读了Marty Fielding的故事之后,教师可以引导学生去体会Fielding患病前后的情感变化:希望、恐惧、迷惘、忧虑、遗憾、振作、期望(被接受)、自适,启发他们主动关心他人的意识。
Task: Read Marty Fielding’s story again and fill in the table, using
hope | In fact, I used to dream about one day being a famous football player and representing my country in the World Cup. |
Puzzle | |
Worries | |
Regret | |
Sympathy | |
Satisfaction |
第二,弄清呈现方式。作者总是以一定的顺序,如时间顺序、空间顺序或重要程度等,陈述观点和信息。讲故事常常采用吋间顺序,并运用诸如now、then、before、after、soon、next、one day、in a few days、 meanwhile、first、second、third、suddenly、finally等表达时间先后的词或短语;描述地点、建筑等常常采用空间顺序,并运用诸如near、far、in front、behind、above、below、under、over、beneath、next to、alongside、 left、right、inside、outside等表达空间关系的词或短语;陈述理由时常常先讲次要的,后讲更重要的,最后讲最重要的,并运用诸如first、in the first place、to start、least important、next、more important、most important、major、greatest等表示重要程度的词或短语,或运用most、more,-er、-est等表示比较等级句型。 弄清文章或段落的组织方式,有利于学生更好地理解作者的写作思路,弄清文章中信息之间的逻辑关系。例如: Read Old Tom the killer whale and then put the following sentences in the right order.
⑥George started beating the water with his oar.
⑤Clancy grabbed his boots and raced after George to the boat.
①Clancy arrived at the whaling station.
⑦The killers started racing between our boat and the whale.
③Clancy heard a huge noise coming from the bay.
②Clancy was sorting out his accommodation.
④Clancy ran down to the shore.
⑧The man in the bow of the boat aimed the harpoon at the whale.
以“The old discount supermarket at the Faded Gold Shopping Center has been cleaned from top to bottom for a week because the Health Department threatened to close the store”这句话为例,我们来分析 一下,什么是主要信息。
When: for a week
Where: at the Faded Gold Shopping Center
Why: because the Health Department threatened to close the store
How: from top to bottom
What kind: old discount
What is the sentence about?
And what happened to the supermarket?
现在不难看出,该句要传达的主要信息是:The supermarket is clean.
要想把主要信息和次要信息区分开,教师首先要帮助学生弄淸文章的主题思想,在区分主次的过程中,学生也会进一步加深对文章主题思想的理解。以Advice from grandad为例,设计活动如下:
Task 1: List the details under the following subtitles. Add more details.
A. The ways to become addicted to cigarettes:
©Become accustomed to having nicotine.
②Become addicted through habit.
③Become mentally addicted.
B. The harmful effects of smoking:
©Do terrible damage to your heart and lungs.
②Difficult for smoking couples to become pregnant
③Affect the health of non-smokers.
⑤The ends of the fingers turn yellow.
⑥ Can’t run fast.
⑦ Not enjoy sport.
C. Suggestions to quit smoking:
①Prepare yourself.
②Be determined.
③Break the habit.
⑤Get help if you need it.
⑥Keep trying.
Task 2: Discuss with your partner:What are the major details?
Fact: They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which prevents heat from escaping from the earth into space.
Opinion: The earth may become too hot for the lives to live on.
•表示判断的词语。例如:I believe, I think, I feel, in my opinion等。
阅读How life began on the earth,分别找出两句陈述事实和表达观点的句子。
Opinion :
Opinion :
(1)根据词汇做出推理。一个单词通常有两方面的意思,一是字典意思(dictionary meaning),一是延伸意思(associated meaning)。例如mother,字典意思为“母亲”,延伸意思有“温暖”、“慈爱”、“关怀”、“温柔”等。
例如:从The young man quickly answered,“Yes,sir.” 一句可以推断这个年轻人对对方非常有礼貌而且有点崇拜,甚至有些害怕对方。
(3)根据段落做出推理。有时,要就整个段落、甚至整篇文章的事实进行估计、评判,从而做出推理。例如: When, in 1641, King Kristian of Denmark and Norway built the town of Kristiansand in his own honor, he had to bribe people to move there by giving them tax exemptions (免税). He picked a choice spot for his new city, a piece of land within a mountain-sheltered bay (海湾)near Norway’s southern coast.
He built streets that were wide for their time, safe from public view and the noise of the street. Indeed, some of his ideas—starting with the one of putting a town where there wasn’t any before—are being exploited in Europe today.
Question: What kind of person was King Kristian?
People know that some animals, particularly birds can be trained to carry messages for them. From 3 000 B.C. to now, pigeons have been used as postmen either in war or in peace. In 1870,when the Germans surrounded Paris, the city was cut off from all the usual means of communication. The people tried many different ways of sending news. One way was to use pigeons. The Germans used hawks to catch the pigeons, but the little postmen flew even faster. In four months about 156 000 letters were sent by them.
Now pigeons are still used. This is because sometimes only the little pigeon can carry the message to where it is difficult for man to go. That is why pigeons are called postmen with feathers.
Question: The Germans used hawks to catch the pigeons, but they( )
A. Succeeded B. failed
C. sometimes succeeded D. sometimes failed
根据 but the little postmen flew even faster 和 In four months about 156 000 letters were sent by them的事实概括归纳起来可得出结论:德国人“failed”。
Today is Sunday, therefore, tomorrow will be
大前提(省略了): Monday always follows Sunday.
小前提: Today is Sunday.
结论:Tomorrow will be Monday.
如果我们将省略的大前提补出来,就会得到一个完整的推理过程:Monday always follows Sunday. Now, since today is Sunday, tomorrow must be Monday.
阅读 A short history of western painting 的第一段,回答:
Why has the style of western art changed more often than Chinese art?
The style of western art has changed many times, while Chinese art hasn’t changed often. Art is influenced by the way of life and beliefs of the people, and China, unlike Europe, has followed a similar way of life for a very long time. There are so many different styles of western art that it would be impossible to describe all of them in a short text. Consequently, this text describes only a few of the main styles. Starting from the 5th century AD.
以Journey down the Mekong为例,教师可以设计教学活动帮助学生弄清主人翁Wang Wei和Wang Kun对旅行起点、出发时间、旅行路线、交通方式等方面的态度,并对旅行中可能遇到的困难做出预测。
Task 1: An attitude is what a person thinks about something. Make lists of Wang Wei’s and Wang Kun’s similar and different attitudes to the trip.
Similar attitudes to the trip | Different attitudes to the trip |
Both Wang Wei and Wang Kun think… | Wang Wei believes |
1 | 1 2 Wang Kun believes |
2 | 1 |
3 | 2 |
Task 2: Who do you think was right about the trip? Why?
在理解了文章的内容和作者的写作意图之后,学生往往会对文章中出现的人和作者表达的观点和态度作出评价,或喜欢或厌恶、或表扬或批评、或同意或反对、或肯定或否定,教师要设计活动让学生表明立场。以Elias’ story为例,文章记述了Elias对Nelson Mandela的印象,教师可以设计活动让学生对文章中所描 述的Nelson Mandela做出评价。
Task 1: Read these statements. Tell whether they are true or false and why?
(1) Elias met Nelson Mandela at school.
(2) Nelson Mandela was a black lawyer.
(3) Elias was unable to read or write because he was lazy.
(4) Nelson Mandela helped him keep his job.
(5) Elias was happy blowing up government buildings.
(6) Nelson Mandela believed that black people were being treated as white people in South Africa.
(7) Nelson Mandela thought violence was a good way to help black people.
(8) The government was happy with Nelson Mandela and the ANC Youth League.
Task 2 : What kind of person do you think Nelson Mandela is? Why?
以 The earth is becoming warmer—but does it matter 为例,文章介绍了 global warming 的形成原因,以及对人类生存环境的影响。
教师可以设计活动让学生列举Greenhouse Effect和Global Warming的利与弊
Task 1: Discuss with your classmate and complete the table below
Positive Effect | Negative Effect | |
Greenhouse Effect | ||
Global Warming |
Task 2 : Use the following questions and the chart to collect information
What do you think causes global warming?
How does global warming affect you and others?
How does global warming affect the nature?
对于global warming的成因,有人提出了不同的观点,教师可以把下面的观点介绍给学生,让他们作出判断,并阐明理由。
Task 3 : Do you agree with the following ideas? Why?
Some people believe that there is evidence that the change in the oceans precedes the change in atmospheric carbon dioxide. They believe that because of this the reason of global warming is not the change in carbon dioxide concentrations. It is also cited that most of the rise in temperature in past century has been before 1940 while most of the carbon dioxide emissions have been after this time.
There are even some extremists that do not think that humans have any effect on the changing climate. They look at the climate record and see that there have been changes in the past. Then, they make the jump that this is just another natural fluctuation occurring now. This viewpoint is not accepted by any scientist and is laughed at by everyone who is informed.
Many people believe that stopping carbon emissions will have a negative effect on the economy. They believe that in order to effectively slow down the emissions to the extent that the Kyoto Protocol proposes would not be worth doing. They believe that the necessary changes would be incredibly expensive. They also think that the changes would have future effects upon the economy.
发现问题的目的是为了最终解决问题。教师可以以Solutions to Slow Global Warming为题,让学生写一篇短文。
Task 4: Global warming does not have to occur. It is possible for the human race to slow global warming and maybe even get rid of all of the effects that humanity has on the climate. Please think of possible solutions and write a short passage.
We can help slow global warming by:
• Walking, riding our bicycle, or taking the bus instead of always going by car.
• Saving electricity (turn off the lights, the radio, the TV and the computer when we don’t use them).
• Reducing, reusing or recycling all kinds of items, from soda pop cans to clothes, to save energy and raw materials.
• Planting trees to help absorb excess CO2,and to provide shade and windbreaks to keep buildings at even temperatures so they will require less energy for heating or cooling.
有效的阅读不仅是指从文章中获取信息,更重要的是把所获得的信息进行加工处理,并运用于现实生活,尤其是运用于自身的实际生活,通过阅读拓宽视野、启迪思维,通过阅读塑造自我。下面的这些问题有助 于阅读文章中的内容与学生自身的知识、经历、观点、价值观等联系起来。
How do you feel about the subject of the reading?
Are your feelings similar to the writer’s?
Which parts of the reading seemed exciting? dull? funny? depressing? Why did you feel that way? Do you feel sympathetic with any of the people described in the reading?
Did you ever have any experience similar to the events described in the reading?
Do you know any people who are similar to the people described in the reading?
Does the reading describe places or situations or problems like those that you know?
Do you have the same opinions about the subject as the writer does?
Is there any statement that you particularly agree or disagree with?
How important are your beliefs on this subject to you?
Has the writer changed your mind or made you start thinking about a new point of view?
How convincing are the ideas and arguments that the writer presents?
As you were reading, what ideas went through your mind?
Did the reading remind you of other thoughts that you have been having?
How does the reading connect with any subject that you have been thinking about?
Did you have any new thoughts after doing the reading?
Why do I find this boring?
Why don't I like this kind of reading?
Why don’t I care about this subject?
Why do I think that this piece is worthless?
What kind of person might be interested in this reading?
以Cigarette smoking为例,教师可以设计活动让学生对比论证:Health(健康)和Wealth(财富)孰轻孰重?并以“Smoking is a very bad habit”为题写一篇短文。
Task 1: Debate: Which is more important, health or wealth?
Which is more important, health or wealth? Some people work day and night in order to get more money and some people would like to do anything, even run the risks of their lives for wealth. These people think that wealth is more important than any other things. In my opinion, health and wealth are both important, but health is a little more important than wealth. Without health, you can hardly imagine where the wealth comes from. Even if the person becomes wealthy, how can he enjoy his wealth when he has lost his health? Of course, wealth can’t be ignored, for what will happen without money, everybody knows.
Task 2: Write a short passage with the title “Smoking is a very bad habit”.
Smoking is a very bad habit. First of all, cigarettes are very expensive. Smokers have to spend a lot of money buying them. That is a waste of money. Smoking is bad for smokers' health. Even worse, it is harmful to people around them. It is said that smoking is one of the important reasons that can cause cancers. Second, there are always fires that can result in a great loss of life and property because of the smokers' carelessness. Besides, we are growing and have no income. We have no right to do that. It will be even worse if we fall into the bad habit.